Growing up, I didn’t see myself as a creative, much less a writer. I associated creativity with the visual arts- painting, photography, sculpture, film. I was in awe of the kids with raw, natural talents and traditional artistic inclinations.

Writing for me was an outlet, a way to express what was happening in my stormy inner world. I journaled, jotting down bits and pieces of my life and adventures. It was also a way to create imaginary worlds and lands where my characters lived out their unrestrained dreams. I was lucky I had an incredible English teacher who believed in me and my writing. She encouraged me to play with words and ideas and to keep going, to keep creating, no matter what.

My writing journey has not been without challenges and bouts of severe self doubt. But through inspiration exercises, conscious discipline and a dogged determination to overcome my fears and realize my dream of writing a children’s book, I have been able to reconnect with my writing practice and allow it to guide and inspire me.

I am excited to continue creating more books and to share my learnings with up and coming creatives, motivating them to connect to their passions and realize their dreams.


The Butterfly Studio is about learning to connect to our creative energy and allowing ourselves to get messy. The main character, a young girl named Inez, is used to following the rules and doing what’s expected of her. To her parents, creativity is a messy distraction on the road to success. But Inez longs to follow her creative dreams and meets two special butterflies who show her the way.

Bringing The Butterfly Studio to life is a dream come true. From conceptualizing the idea, to giving shape to the characters, to writing (and rewriting) the manuscript and working with the illustrator to bring forth the vision, it has been a creative process I’ve enjoyed tremendously. In fact, I have loved it so much that I'm already working on my second children's picture book, hoping to inspire others to explore and nurture their creativity.


Dream Studio BOOKS

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